Publications Vasant 2024 Stories


We present poems and short stories that make up our collections. The artefacts are linked in this page. Also listed areour author interviews and open call publications. If you want to send us stories or poems, or wish to be featured in an interview, please visit the Submit page.


51. Vasant (2024) Story Collection

Stories that make up the Vasant 2024 collection are listed below. Authors, their nationality, and their works are listed. Click the links to enjoy their works. Thanks to our Fiction Editor Savita Narayan and Managing Editor Shashi Kadapa who edit and curate the collection.


J.B. Polk, Chile - Birds of Paradise Alice Baburek, U.S. - Guardian Angel Michael Mclaughlin, Mexico - A Mexican Love Story
Frank Talaber, Canada - Making Snow Angels Julian Gallo, U.S. - Distances Alastair Millar, Czech Republic - Drone
Ian Robertson, Greece - A Basketful of Vegetables Patty Somlo, U.S. - As Close to Paradise Debra White, U.S. - She Had A List
Avital Gad-Cykman, Brazil - Shell of Inocence Archana Ramesh, U.S - Chutney Sandwich Ben Macnair, UK - After the Fall
Yanping Zhai, China - The White Roses and the Pinky Swear Gabriel Piessens, Canada - The Hero Always Dies Serena Grant, U.S. - After School
Peter Conrad, Canada - Beautiful Fences    


Our Contributors !!

Some of our writers!

  • We occassionally invite writers to send their musings. Do send in your work, and we will host it here.
  • Do visit the Submit page to submit your work.