Vasant (Spring) 2019 Poems -Ahmad Isah Sabo




By Ahmad Isah Sabo


I gripped at sun to gleam at your gloom
but it solely shines like a smoky hazy hue
drawing your calm gloom a sole blurry
for you're like a dew on an enormous mountain
and you seem so like an invisible pale spirit.
i try imbuing your being but you're like a wind
for you can neither be espied nor gripped at.


The humongous clouds cocoon rains visually
but the thunder grumbles and hides its source.
inly the sphere sky there live abstruse shades.
the spines beneath an antique earth cry and laugh
whom invisible and frigid hands of death strangled.
even the doom appears in a pale shadow as a spirit
in which she can neither be espied nor gripped at.


Ahmad Isah Sabo from Yobe, Nigeria, studies Bachelor of Art in English Language at Yobe State University. An emerging writer and poet, he writes poetry and short stories..



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