1. Submit for Open, no-fee calls
Current: Call for no-fee, open theme on any subject, topic, and creativity. We seek short stories, poetry, and art.
Only original and unpublished work please. If your work is accepted elsewhere, please let us know.
Flash Fiction up to 1000 words, Short story from 1000 - 3000 words, Poetry 10-16 lines, Art work 300 x 300 pixels jpeg file.
Submission is ongoing, through the year.
Please mail your work to editors @ activemuse.org. Your work should be grammer proofed.
Please send only in .doc, docx format, and mention in the subject line: 'Open Call, Flash/ Short story/ Poem, your surname, name of the work, number of words'. Please read the General Rules before you send.
2. Forthcoming themed calls for 2019
Our forthcoming issues. Please watch out for submision calls. We will post the details about what we want:
Vasant (Spring), April 2019. Issue will be launched on April, 2019.
Varsha, (Monsoon) August 2019. Issue will be launched in August 2019.
Shishir (Winter), December 2019. Issue will be launched in December, 2019.
General Rules !!
These rules are common for all issues!